Star Sign Bracelets
Virgo Star Sign Bracelet
Taurus Star Sign Bracelet
Scorpio Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Red Garnet.
Sagittarius Star Sign Bracelet
Pisces Star Sign Bracelet
Libra Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone of Peridot.
Leo Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Opalite.
Leo signifies power and exuberance. You are a natural-born leader and love to be centre stage. Your creativity and strength of purpose make you very goal-oriented. You have endless enthusiasm and a zest for life.
Gemini Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Tigers Eye.
May 21 – June 20
Zodiac Symbol – Twin
Element – Air
Ruling Planet – Mercury
Gemini is a mix of the yin and the yang, they are represented perfectly by the Twins. You can see both sides of an issue and are intellectually inclined. You have a wonderful imagination and are quick-witted.
Capricorn Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone of black obsidian.
December 22 – January 19
Zodiac Symbol – Sea-Goat
Element – Earth
Ruling Planet – Saturn
Capricorn Star Sign bracelet
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the sign of determination and discipline. You are practical and responsible. Family is extremely important and you can always be counted on to be strong and patient.
Cancer Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Green Jade.
June 21 – July 22
Zodiac Symbol – Crab
Element – Water
Ruling Planet – Moon
Cancer signifies home, family and tradition. You are tender, loving and deeply compassionate. You can always be counted on to help a friend in need and are more protective of those around you.
Aries Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Carnelian.
March 21 – April 19
Zodiac Symbol – Ram
Element – Fire
Ruling Planet – Mars
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and signifies leadership. You are strong-willed and ambitious. Aries is a fire sign and you represent it well. You are creative, passionate and have a fiery personality.
Aquarius Star Sign Bracelet
Black Obsidian with birthstone Fluorite.
January 20 – February 18
Zodiac Symbol – Water Bearer
Element – Air
Ruling Planet – Uranus
Aquarius are the humanitarians of the zodiac and are committed to making the world a better place. You are easygoing and make friends easily.
You are unconventional and enjoy life.